Monday, December 29, 2008


(picture taken on 27/12/2008, 10++ months old)

现在的我已经学会大人拿手机听电话哦,每次家人说hello hello时候,我都会把在我手上的东西放在耳边说hi...,家人都被我逗得哈哈大笑。我现在也学会了拍拍手,跟家人玩躲猫猫,在家人说: apom balik时候,我会大声回应:cak! cak! 有时还会把手放在头上,再放下然后说:cak! 上星期还学会对神明拜拜哦,每次看见观音娘娘,或者任何神明,都会主动两手合起来拜拜,呵呵。



Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Teng teng teng!!!

(Picture taken on Nov 5, 2008)

I had learned how to stand and walk supported by unmovable objects around me since I was around 7 months old. I am now trying to learn standing up without supported. When my family started to say "Teng teng teng..." I will be happy to stand up and lift my hands high up the air, face looking up too. The longest time that I stood up without support was around 5 to 6 seconds. Will feel happy and statisfied after that, hehe.
Next trick will be trying to walk without help given by my family :), can't wait to learn how to walk!

How old am I now?

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie